73 research outputs found

    Nova koncepcija kontejnerskog terminala u luci Rijeka

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    The port of Rijeka is a port of national interest open to national and international public traffic. It is mostly intended for the movement of goods with the container traffic playing an important role. As laid down in the Port Classification and Physical Plan of the Primorsko-goranska County, Rijeka is a port of a special international economic importance for the Republic of Croatia. The largest part of the Croatian imports and exports of goods is realized through the port of Rijeka which is also a major transit port in Croatia for the goods from Hungary, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Austria, Italy and Serbia. The essential factors of the port of Rijeka geotraffic position are the physical characteristics of its location and its connection with the hinterland. The construction of the new leveled rail line from Zagreb to Rijeka, the reconstruction of the Rijeka-Zagreb motorway to a full profile highway, the canalization of the river Sava from Å amac to Sisak and the construction of the Vukovar ā€“ Å amac Canal will make Rijeka an important seaport for the flows of goods from the Danube basin to the Adriatic. In the future period, the structure of the goods flow will be marked by the growth of the container traffic which has, by today, reached the upper limit of the container terminal storage and handling capacity. If the port of Rijeka wishes to maintain its competitive ability in the North Adriatic ports catchment area, it should meet such increased transport needs by adequate expansion and new investments to be made in a short-time period. This paper aims at focusing particularly on the container terminal Brajdica and its expansion possibilities which, contrary to other projects requiring a longer period of time for their realization and for bringing corresponding traffic solutions, include specific space and traffic predispositions.Luka Rijeka je luka državnog značaja otvorena za domaći i međunarodni javni promet. Namijenjena je pretežito teretnom prometu u čijoj strukturi važnu ulogu ima kontejnerski promet. Razvrstajem luka i prostornim planom Primorsko-goranske županije određeno je da je luka Rijeka luka od osobitog, međunarodnog gospodarskog značaja za Republiku Hrvatsku. Hrvatska ostvaruje najveći dio svog uvoza i izvoza roba preko riječke luke koja je ujedno i najveća tranzitna hrvatska luka za robe iz Mađarske, Slovačke, ČeÅ”ke, Austrije, Italije i Srbije. Bitni činitelji geoprometnog položaja luke Rijeka su fizičke značajke njene lokacije i prometna povezanost luke sa zaleđem. Izgradnjom nove ravničarske pruge od Zagreba do Rijeke, dogradnjom punog profila autoceste Rijeka āˆ’ Zagreb, kanaliziranjem Save od Å amca do Siska, te izgradnjom kanala Vukovar āˆ’ Å amac, riječka luka postat će važna luka za robne tokove od Podunavlja do Jadrana. U strukturi robnih tokova u budućem razdoblju posebno će biti izražen rast kontejnerskog prometa koji je već danas dostigao krajnje granice prostornih i prekrcajnih kapaciteta kontejnerskog terminala. Povećani promet zahtijeva odgovarajuće proÅ”irenje i nove investicije u kratkoročnom razdoblju, ukoliko se želi zadržati konkurentnost u gravitacijskom području sjevernojadranskih luka. U ovome radu posebno su istražene mogućnosti proÅ”irenja kontejnerskog terminala Brajdica s obzirom da već postoje određene prostorne i prometne predispozicije u odnosu na druge projekte koji zahtijevaju duže razdoblje i odgovarajuća prometna rjeÅ”enja


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    Velebit nije samo najveća hrvatska planina već i jedina primorska planina koja razdvaja dva zemljopisno bitno različita prostora: mediteranski i kontinentalno ā€“ planinski odnosno Hrvatsko primorje od Gorske Hrvatske. Primorska padina Velebita obuhvaća Podgorje koje započinje kod Svetog Jurja, gdje se postupno Å”iri i diže do Jablanca, a na južnom dijelu Velebita postupno prelazi u sjeverno ā€“ dalmatinsku kraÅ”ku zaravan. Prirodni uvjeti i smjeÅ”taj uz more doprinijeli su u proÅ”losti razvoju Å”umarstva, ratarske i stočarske proizvodnje, brodarstva, ribarstva, trgovine, lovstva i turizma. Prometna povezanost naselja velebitske primorske padine s vanjskim svijetom odvijala se oduvijek morskim putem, jer kopnenih prometnica nije bilo, ili su bile u takvom stanju da nisu omogućavale bolje povezivanje naseljenih mjesta. Naseljenost tog područja karakteriziraju mnogobrojni zaseoci koji su međusobno udaljeni 1 ā€“ 6 km i povučeni od mora u unutraÅ”njost ponajviÅ”e u srednjem vegetacijskom pojasu, jer uz obalu prevladava goli kamen. Na tu razdvojenost naselja utjecala je priroda jer je za naselje trebalo tražiti mjesto koje nije na udaru bure. Zbog toga su se na području velebitske primorske padine, izuzevÅ”i grad Senj, razvila svega tri važnija obalna naselja: Sveti Juraj, Jablanac i Karlobag. Nedostatak prometne i komunalne infrastrukture te ostalih potrebnih sadržaja (obrazovnih, zdravstvenih, gospodarskih i dr.) razlog su velikom raseljavanju stanovniÅ”tva ovog kraja koji je u suvremenim uvjetima jedno od najslabije naseljenih područja Republike Hrvatske. Međutim, potencijalne vrijednosti ovog područja ukazuju na mogućnosti njegova bržeg razvitka. Ciljevi i smjernice razvitka upućuju primarno na zaÅ”titu prirodnih i kulturnih dobara uz naglaÅ”enu potrebu izrade razvojnih gospodarskih programa. Osim razvitka cestovne mreže koja bi na ovom prostoru potaknula nove razvojne potencijale planiranim mjerama razvitka trebalo bi poticati razvitak gospodarskih djelatnosti (razvitak turizma, marikulture, luka nautičkog turizma, zdravstveno ā€“ rekreacijskog turizma, lovnog turizma, voćarstva i vrtlarstva, stočarstva, Å”umarstva i drvno ā€“ prerađivačke djelatnosti, koriÅ”tenja energetskog potencijala vjetra i sunca, razvoj proizvodnih, trgovačkih i slobodnih carinskih zona i dr.) i druÅ”tvenih djelatnosti u decentraliziranom sustavu srediÅ”njih naselja (obrazovna, zdravstvena i kulturna infrastruktura). U ovom radu poseban naglasak se daje na ocjenu prirodnih potencijala, održivog razvoja i procjenu mogućnosti revitalizacije Podgorja. Radi toga izrađena je SWOT analiza kao osnovna pretpostavka budućeg razvoja.Velebit is not only the largest Croatian mountain but is the only littoral mountain that divides two geographically essentially diverse areas: the Mediterranean and continental ā€“ mountain regions, in other words, the Croatian Littoral from Mountain Croatia. The littoral slope of Velebit includes Podgorje which begins near Sveti Juraj where it gradually spreads and rises to Jablanac, whilst in the southern part Velebit gradually passes into the northern ā€“ Dalmatian karst plateau. The natural conditions and setting along the sea have contributed in the past to the development of forestry, agricultural and livestock production, shipping, fishing, trade, hunting and tourism. The transport connectivity of the settlements of the Velebit littoral slope with the outside world always took place via the sea, because there were no land routes or they were in such a state that they did not allow a better connection between the settled places. The population coverage of their region is dominated by numerous hamlets, 1-6 km apart and set in the interior from the sea mostly in the central vegetational belt because bare rock dominates along the coastline. Nature has influenced this separation because any settlements had to be placed where the ā€˜buraā€™ does not blow. Due to this in the Velebet littoral area, with the exception of Senj, three more important coastal settlements developed: Sveti Juraj, Jablanac and Karlobag. The lack of traffic and communal infrastructure and other necessary amenities (educational, health, economic and so on) are the reason for the large depopulation of this area which in modern conditions is one of the least populated regions of the Republic of Croatia. However, the potential values of this region point to the possibilities of its speedier development. The aims and guidelines of development point primarily to the protection of the natural and cultural resources with an emphasised need in making developmental economic programmes. Besides the development of a road network which in this area would prompt new developmental potentials with the planned measures of development, the development of economic activities (development of tourism, mariculture, nautical tourism ports, health-recreational tourism, hunting tourism, fruit growing and horticulture, livestock breeding, forestry and timber ā€“ manufacturing activities, the use of the energy potentials of the wind and sun, the development of manufacturing, trade and free customs zones and so on) and social activities in the decentralisation of the system of centralised settlements (educational, health and cultural infrastructure) should be stimulated. In this paper a special emphasis is made on the appraisal of the natural potentials, of sustainable development and the evaluation of the possibility of the revitalisation of Podgorje. To this end a SWOT analysis was produced as a basic prerequisite for future development


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    Značajka područja Velebitskog podgorja je oÅ”tro naglaÅ”eni planinski okvir koji se bez prijelaznih zona približava moru i Kvarnerskom arhipelagu. Bitno obilježje Velebitskog podgorja na neplodnom kraÅ”kom tlu je rijetka naseljenost. Područje Velebitskog podgorja veličinom i položajem u makroprostoru jedinstveno je i neusporedivo s drugim područjima u Hrvatskoj. Temeljno određenje ovog prostora je nedostatak kritične konstelacije srediÅ”njih naselja koja bi mogla postati pokretači razvoja na lokalnoj razini. Druga odlika ovog prostora je prirodna geomorfoloÅ”ka, botanička i etnoloÅ”ka osobitost Velebita, zbog čega je u velikom dijelu povrÅ”ina proglaÅ”en zaÅ”tićenim, kao Å”to je Park prirode, a zatim u užem obuhvatu i Nacionalni park "Sjeverni Velebit". Treća odlika ovog prostora je strateÅ”ki značajna točka izlaska kontinentalnog prostora na more i čvoriÅ”te sa smjerom koji prati obalnu liniju Å”to predstavlja magistralni pravac Jadranske turističke ceste, a u skoroj budućnosti i jadransko ā€“ jonski smjer autoceste. Ovo područje ima i određenu tranzitnu ulogu jer se u Jablancu, Prizni i Stinici nalaze trajektni terminali preko kojih se ostvaruje promet prema Krku, Rabu i Pagu, najvećim otocima Kvarnerskog arhipelaga. Na značaj i ulogu pomorskog prometa u ovom kraju bitno je utjecala klima ovog područja. Za 216 Č. Dundović et al.: Kompatibilnost pomorskog i cestovnog... Senj. zb. 44, 215-230 (2017.) klimu velebitskog područja karakteristični su vjetrovi, posebno bura. Konfiguracija kopna uvjetuje da se smjer bure na pojedinoj točki mijenja od NE do SE i dostiže na mahove brzinu od 120 km/h. Sve ovo je razlogom Å”to je pomorski promet u ovom području relativno slabo razvijen, posebno između naselja uz obalu, a u prilog tome govori i nedostatak luka nautičkog turizma. S obzirom na to da je za razvitak ovog područja od posebne važnosti povezanost pomorskog i cestovnog prometa kao i izgradnja odgovarajuće prometne i komunalne infrastrukture, autori u ovom radu istražuju mogućnosti izgradnje novih i uređenja postojećih luka, bolju prometnu povezanost obalnih naselja i odgovarajuće veze s planinskim područjima Velebita. Razvijeni pomorski promet i izgrađena prometna infrastruktura mogu biti akcelerator razvitka ovog područja ponajprije u domeni turizma, razvoja ekoloÅ”ke poljoprivrede, stočarstva, Å”umarstva i prerađivačke industrije, iskoriÅ”tavanja obnovljivih izvora energije (vjetra), razvoja male privrede, marikulture i raznih drugih uslužnih djelatnosti.The feature of the region of Velebit Podgorje is the greatly accentuated mountain range, which without transitional zones it approaches the sea and the Kvarner archipelago. A significant feature of Velebit Podgorje on the infertile karst soil is its scarce inhabitation. The area of Velebit Podgorje by its size and position in the macro-region is unique and incomparable with other regions in Croatia. The fundamental definition of this area is the lack of a critical constellation of central settlements, which could become initiators of development on the local level. Another feature of this area is the natural geomorphological, botanical and ethnological particularity of Velebit, due to which a great part of the surface area has been declared protected, such as the Nature Park, and after that with a narrower coverage the Northern Velebit National Park. The third feature of this area is the strategically significant point of the exist of the continental area to the sea and the junction with the route which follows the coastline which represents the main course of the Adriatic tourist road, and in the near future the course of Adriatic-Ionian motorway as well. This area also has a certain transit role because in Jablanac, Prizna and Stinica there are ferry terminals, which provide transport links to Krk, Rab and Pag, the largest islands of the Kvarner archipelago. The climate of this region has substantially influenced the significance and role of maritime traffic in this area. The winds are characteristic of the climate of the Velebit region, especially the ā€˜buraā€™. The configuration of the land causes the direction of the ā€˜buraā€™ to change at a particular point from NE to SE and intermittently reach a speed of up to 120 km/h. All of this is the reason why maritime traffic in this region is poorly developed, particularly between the settlements along the coast, and this is also evident in the lack of nautical tourism ports. Bearing in mind that for the development of this region the connectivity of sea and road transport is of special importance, as well as the building of the corresponding transport and communal infrastructure, in this paper the authors investigate the possibilities of the construction of new, as well as the improvement of, existing ports, plus the better transport connectivity of coastal settlements and the corresponding links with the mountain regions of Velebit. The developed sea transport and constructed transport infrastructure can be an accelerator of the development of this region principally in the domain of tourism, the development of ecological agriculture, livestock breeding, forestry and manufacturing industries, the exploitation of renewable sources of energy (wind), the development of small businesses, mariculture and various other service activities
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